More Audiobook News!

After a little bit of a hiccup with Underway, the first two books in the TJ Wilde Trilogy are now available in Audiobooks.

Thanks to AI technology making leaps and bounds, it is to a point where I am happy to use it for the narration. With a few tweaks here and there, it’s a great listen.

Run Aground Audiobook available here

Underway Audiobook available here

They join the Audiobook of the first book in the Duxbridge Mysteries Series 

You can read TJ Wilde series excerpts here and here

A Little Cooking

As I struggle with book three, Full Sail, of the TJ Wilde Trilogy, I’ve been doing a little baking. From my cooking blog:

I have been wanting to make Rye Bread for a while, but I didn’t have all the ingredients handy. Tracking down rye flour was tricky. Once I had everything in the pantry, it was time to bake.

Then I realized, I had no recipe handy. It had been so long since I’d made a loaf, I had no favorite one bookmarked anywhere…or documented here. So I was off on a search…only to be frustrated by variations and lack of reassurance if a certain recipe was what I was looking for..or if it was even a good recipe. Even King Arthur let me down. Continue reading here

Trixie Belle At 9 Weeks

The level of cuteness in my house is off the charts:

Trixie’s 9.5 week photo

Making great progress in their relationship

8-week sweater (Scout hand-me-down)

She outgrew the other sweater in the first week – this one was Scout’s at 12-14 weeks, and was roomy on her. I think Trixie will be out of this one in a week to 10 days.  Since she only wears it on extremely cold days outside, I usually go to the thrift store and shop in the toddler section for puppy needs.

Santa hat was met with a lack of enthusiasm.

Regardless, she was adorable

Underway: A TJ Wilde Mystery Now Available!!

Now Available!!



A new job, a new home and a new outlook on life. But, of course, it could not be that easy.

 A cute loft with a great view would be enough to bring me back to Boston. But add in a great job with my best friend, an adorable lost kitten, and a neighborhood filled with art and artists, then there was no question I was right where I belonged.

Unfortunately, missing Cuban art, a vandalized gallery, and a gallerist who has simply vanished are making the return to my favorite city troublesome. Not to mention, someone keeps sneaking into my apartment. This was not the marvelous return I had envisioned.

Add to that, my sexy lawman, who is both persistent and much too far away. He definitely is not taking no for an answer.   


For TJ Wilde, moving back to Boston
felt like coming home,
but home was never this dangerous…


Buy now! Kindle and Paperback available NOW!

Read Chapter One HERE

Chapter Two, Part One HERE and Part Two HERE